A TRF is normally used to generate data at the end of a tournament.
Here you can find the FIDE approved documentation of the FIDE Data Exchange Format, Tournament Report File (TRF16), as a link to FIDE handbook.
The first extension is to allow the TRF to be generated during a tournament and be used as input with JaVaFo (pairing engine).
We further extend the TRFx format to allow for more information about players to be transferred between pairing programs.
The file can be saved with file extension of .txt, .trf or .trfx – all are equally valid.
Extra extensions for transfer of additional player data
The new alphabetic code should be placed on lines following player data (001) as follows:
DAT #### TYPE_ID input_data
- The code DAT (positions 1-3) should be followed by a single space
- Position 5 (####) is the StartingRank-Number of the player (leading zeros are not required, 0001 or 1 can be used) followed by a single space
- Next, a unique Data Type identifier is used (see Type_ID table below), followed by one or many spaces. We recommend aligning the input_data only for ease of human readability.
- Add multiple DAT lines for multiple Data Types
- Optional; add blank lines for easier human readability
TRFx Example:
001 1 m g Mirzoev,Azer 2527 AZE 13400304 1978 4.0 1 26 w 1 13 b 1 8 w 1 4 b 1DAT 0001 EMAIL blank@email.com
DAT 0001 GROUP Team Penguin
DAT 1 ID:TORNELO 39d162db-023a-4974-aa71-a1df73babc33
001 2 m m Argandona,Riveiro Inigo 2408 ESP 2212072 1981 4.0 2 27 b 1 15 w 1 7 b 1 5 w 1
DAT 0002 EMAIL blank_1@email.com
DAT 0002 GROUP Hawthorn Primary School
DAT 0002 ID:USCF 12345678
001 3 m f Hernandez,Elvis 2282 DOM 6400353 1981 3.5 3 29 w 1 14 b 1 10 w 1 6 b =
DAT 0003 EMAIL blank_4@email.com
DAT 0003 GROUP Poland
ALTERNATIVE Format which is equally valid:
001 1 m g Mirzoev,Azer 2527 AZE 13400304 1978 4.0 1 26 w 1 13 b 1 8 w 1 4 b 1
001 2 m m Argandona,Riveiro Inigo 2408 ESP 2212072 1981 4.0 2 27 b 1 15 w 1 7 b 1 5 w 1
001 3 m f Hernandez,Elvis 2282 DOM 6400353 1981 3.5 3 29 w 1 14 b 1 10 w 1 6 b =
DAT 0001 EMAIL blank@email.com
DAT 1 GROUP Team Penguin
DAT 0001 ID:TORNELO 39d162db-023a-4974-aa71-a1df73babc33
DAT 0002 EMAIL blank_1@email.com
DAT 0002 GROUP Hawthorn Primary School
DAT 0002 ID:USCF 12345678
DAT 3 EMAIL blank_4@email.com
DAT 0003 GROUP Poland
Line_ID | Type_ID | Description |
DAT | Contact email address for the entry Links an existing user account to allow online games, or For new users, Tornelo will email an invitation to create a new user | |
DAT | GROUP | Group representation during the event (team name, club, school etc) |
DAT | ID:TORNELO | Tornelo’s UUID for the player |
DAT | ID:USCF | US Chess Federation ID number for the player |
DAT | ID:ACF | Australian Chess Federation ID number |
DAT | ID:ECF | English Chess Federation ID number |
DAT | TIE:BUCH | Tiebreak (Buchholz) data for the player |
DAT | STRING | Please email us if you would like other extensions added |
Other pairings programs or organsiers may wish to add additional TYPE_ID and we recommend letting us know so that we can maintain up-to-date documentation of unique data identifiers and descriptions.
How to upload or download the TRF on Tornelo? Learn more here.